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Before you start building your course

Before we get started on creating your first technical course on Fermion, please make sure you have access to a fermion demo account, or you should have the fermion instructor setup mapped to your domain.

We can help you setup domain mapping on a subdomain, root domain or a path. If you do not have any account setup, please reach out to us at [email protected] and, we'll help you setup quickly.

Login Access

Once your account is setup, you will be greeted with the below login screen: sign in page

You will receive a username, and a password for your unique school URL, make sure to take your login access credentials from the team to help you login into your dashboard.

Dashboard View

Once you're all setup up and logged in, you will see such a dashboard on your screen: instructor dashboard

What is a Cohort Based Course?

On Fermion, you can choose to create Recorded Courses, Cohort-based Courses, even a Hybrid Course, Workshops and so much more, depending on which audience you wish to cater.

Think of cohorts as courses which have a start date and an end date. One key difference between a CBC and a Recorded Course is the addition of one key element "live class". CBCs by default are known to have live classes inside the course curriculum while recorded courses do not. CBCs thus, have a strict end date and a start date.

pointing arrow to new cbc button

What is a Recorded Course?

A recorded course is simply a collection of pre-recorded video course items along with other items such as coding labs, quizzes, articles, etc. Note that recorded courses do not have live sessions inside the curriculum.

pointing arrow to new recorded course button