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Managing course analytics

Fermion logs all the actions made by students on your learning platform so you can seamlessly monitor their performance with granular analytics.

This gives you a bird-eye view into all your students' accomplishments, platform activities and overall performance.

Learn how you can check and monitor your course analytics.

How to check course analytics?

Step 1: Click on the courses tab from your dashboard


Step 2: Find the course

Students analytics are unique for every course. Once you come to the courses tab, click on the course for which you want to check student analytics.

For eg: here I'm selecting a random course for demonstration.


Step 3: Head over to the students tab

You will find the students tab in the left sidebar.


Step 4: Click on the student to check analytics

Once you're inside the students tab, you will find a list of all the students who are enrolled in the specific course on your learning platform. This is the area from where you can check a particular student's performance details.

For eg: I click on a random student for demonstrating their analytics.


Step 5: Monitor performance

You have a detailed information about the student on your screen now. You can check their progress, monitor recent acitivities, general information and payment information.


Available student analytics

For a given course, here's everything you can learn from analytics:

  • General information - which tells a student's email address, phone number (if available), and their "last seen" timestamp on the platform.


  • Overall progess - to help you track user progress in a glance. It tells you student's enrollment date, total number of course items they have completed, total time they spent on your course and their course completion percentage.


  • Recent activity - this widget will show any recent activity that the user has made. For eg: if they watch a video, complete a coding lab, it will appear here.


  • Payment information - you can see the total amount collected from student, the payment gateway used, as well as their payment type.
