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How to embed a Video externally

This guide explains how to embed recorded videos into external websites.

Getting started

  • Video ID
  • Fermion API key (only if you disable public embeds)
  • Access to your website's codebase

Step 1: Obtain the video ID

Each video on fermion has a unique identifier. For example 6779080e80ec97e953a17971. First, go to Manage features tab on your instructor dashboard and enable Video library

After that, go to Video library and upload a video if you haven't.

Step 2: Open embed video page

Once your video is ready, you would be able to see Embed video as an option in Actions column on this page. Click on that. It will open a view like this:

You can make the video publicly embeddable here. If you do that, you do not need to generate JWT embed token (in the step below)

Step 3: Generate an Embed Token

You'll need to generate a JWT (JSON Web Token) to authenticate the embed, this is only required if your video is not public. Here's how to create one using the jsonwebtoken package:

import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken'

const payloadObject = {
	/* ... see the valid schema of the object below ... */

const jwtToken = jwt.sign(payloadObject, 'FERMION_API_KEY', {
	expiresIn: '10h',

The payloadObject must conform to the following zod schema:

	type: z.literal('external-embed'),
	videoId: z.string(),
	userId: z.string(),

Important notes:

  • Replace FERMION_API_KEY with your actual API key and provide a unique user ID for each viewer.
  • Make sure to set a validity on JWT token (recommended validity is 10h-20h)


Fermion uses the same zod schema as above internally to validate your JWT payload.

Step 4: Embed the video

Add this iframe to your website where you want to embed the video:

	allow="allow-same-origin; camera *;microphone *;display-capture *;encrypted-media;"


You do not need to pass token parameter in case you have made the video public

This should embed your video and start playback