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What are Coding Labs?

Another mind-boggling reason why Fermion stands out among other traditional LMS platforms is its ability to integrate interactive coding labs at the click of a button!

Coding labs on Fermion are highly powered linux environment which boot in under 3 seconds, and give learners almost a VSCode-like experience on web. These labs are highly interactive and evaluative in nature, let's look at a coding lab below:


This lab includes a powerful editor, terminal and browser preview.

Alongside, it also includes an Instructions and Challenges section so that students know exactly what they have to do when they land on your lab.


We make sure that when you are teaching a technical concept, students aren't simply just learning, but they're learning by doing. These labs force students to solve hands-on, what they've just learnt by you.

We believe in the philosophy of learning by doing, and we’ve brought the same concept to Fermion by letting technical you integrate hands-on interactive and evaluative coding labs in seconds.

With over 5000+ coding labs and quiz questions available, you can easily add interactive and evaluative elements to your courses.

This helps your courses stand out in the market by offering a practical learning experience that is crucial for aspiring developers.

Not just this, you can go beyond and even add hands-on coding projects as well as interview kits inside your courses.