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How to bulk import syllabus?

Fermion supports bulk importing syllabus into your course. This can be handy if you have a lot of content and you want to quickly import it into your course.

Dashboard UI

Open any course for which you'd want to bulk import items.

  1. Click on Bulk import syllabus from left
  2. Write a valid JSON schema
  3. Check with preview to make sure everything looks okay
  4. Click on the Import button to import the items.


Please note that once imported, you can only edit the items via Syllabus manager. Bulk importer will only allow you to import items, not edit them.

JSON Schema

In order to bulk import your curriculum, you must create a JSON object. This object can then directly be imported in our backend creating all relevant course items.

Here's the schema you have to follow:

Recorded course

If you're importing course items in a recorded course, you have to follow the following schema:

type RecordedCourseItems = RecordedCourseItem[]
// ^ this is the type your final JSON should conform to

type RecordedCourseItem =
	| {
			type: 'Video'
			title: string
			sectionName: string
			descriptionInMarkdown: string
	| {
			type: 'Article'
			title: string
			sectionName: string
			contentMarkdown: string
	| {
			type: 'Coding Lab'
			title: string
			sectionName: string
			descriptionInMarkdown?: string
	| {
			type: 'Quiz'
			title: string
			sectionName: string
			descriptionInMarkdown?: string
			questions: {
				question: string
				answerExplanation?: string
				options: {
					option: string
					isCorrect?: boolean

Here's an example of valid JSON that conforms to the schema above:

		"type": "Article",
		"sectionName": "Welcome to my course!",
		"title": "Introduction to Programming",
		"contentMarkdown": "I'll have some intro to programming data here"
		"type": "Coding Lab",
		"sectionName": "Welcome to my course!",
		"title": "Hello to HTML",
		"descriptionInMarkdown": "Create an h1 tag in this lab and write your name."
		"type": "Coding Lab",
		"sectionName": "Welcome to my course!",
		"title": "Building a Simple React Component",
		"descriptionInMarkdown": "Hands-on practice creating your first React component from scratch."
		"type": "Quiz",
		"sectionName": "Welcome to my course!",
		"title": "JavaScript Fundamentals Quiz",
		"descriptionInMarkdown": "Test your knowledge of core JavaScript concepts",
		"questions": [
				"question": "What is the difference between let and var in JavaScript?",
				"answerExplanation": "Let is block-scoped, while var is function-scoped.",
				"options": [
						"option": "Let is block-scoped, var is function-scoped",
						"isCorrect": true
						"option": "They are exactly the same",
						"isCorrect": false
						"option": "Let is function-scoped, var is block-scoped",
						"isCorrect": false
						"option": "Neither has any meaningful difference",
						"isCorrect": false
				"question": "What does the spread operator do in JavaScript?",
				"answerExplanation": "The spread operator allows an iterable to expand in places where 0+ arguments are expected.",
				"options": [
						"option": "Combines two arrays",
						"isCorrect": false
						"option": "Spreads elements of an array or object",
						"isCorrect": true
						"option": "Creates a deep copy of an object",
						"isCorrect": false
						"option": "Merges object properties",
						"isCorrect": false

Cohort-based course

If you're importing course items in a cohort course, you have to follow the following schema. The reason it is different from above course is because a cohort-based-course can also have live classes:

type CohortBasedCourseItems = CohortBasedCourseItem[]
// ^ this is the type your final JSON should conform to

type CohortBasedCourseItem =
	| {
			type: 'Video'
			title: string
			itemScheduledDate: string
			descriptionInMarkdown?: string
	| {
			type: 'Live Class'
			liveClassStartAt: string
			title: string
			descriptionInMarkdown?: string
			liveClassDurationInMinutes: number
	| {
			type: 'Article'
			title: string
			itemScheduledDate: string
			descriptionInMarkdown?: string
			contentMarkdown: string
	| {
			type: 'Coding Lab'
			title: string
			itemScheduledDate: string
			descriptionInMarkdown?: string
	| {
			type: 'Quiz'
			title: string
			descriptionInMarkdown?: string
			itemScheduledDate: string
			questions: {
				question: string
				answerExplanation?: string
				options: {
					option: string
					isCorrect?: boolean

Here's an example of valid JSON that conforms to the schema above:

		"type": "Live Class",
		"title": "Introduction to Web Development",
		"descriptionInMarkdown": "A comprehensive overview of modern web development techniques.",
		"liveClassStartAt": "2024-07-15T14:30:00Z",
		"liveClassDurationInMinutes": 60
		"type": "Article",
		"title": "Understanding JavaScript Closures",
		"itemScheduledDate": "2024-07-16T00:00:00Z",
		"descriptionInMarkdown": "A deep dive into one of JavaScript's most powerful features.",
		"contentMarkdown": "# JavaScript Closures\n\nClosures are a fundamental concept in JavaScript that allows functions to access variables from their outer (enclosing) scope even after the outer function has returned."
		"type": "Coding Lab",
		"title": "Building a Simple React Component",
		"itemScheduledDate": "2024-07-16T00:00:00Z",
		"descriptionInMarkdown": "Hands-on practice creating your first React component from scratch."
		"type": "Quiz",
		"title": "JavaScript Fundamentals Quiz",
		"itemScheduledDate": "2024-07-16T00:00:00Z",
		"descriptionInMarkdown": "Test your knowledge of core JavaScript concepts",
		"questions": [
				"question": "What is the difference between let and var in JavaScript?",
				"answerExplanation": "Let is block-scoped, while var is function-scoped.",
				"options": [
						"option": "Let is block-scoped, var is function-scoped",
						"isCorrect": true
						"option": "They are exactly the same",
						"isCorrect": false
						"option": "Let is function-scoped, var is block-scoped",
						"isCorrect": false
						"option": "Neither has any meaningful difference",
						"isCorrect": false
				"question": "What does the spread operator do in JavaScript?",
				"answerExplanation": "The spread operator allows an iterable to expand in places where 0+ arguments are expected.",
				"options": [
						"option": "Combines two arrays",
						"isCorrect": false
						"option": "Spreads elements of an array or object",
						"isCorrect": true
						"option": "Creates a deep copy of an object",
						"isCorrect": false
						"option": "Merges object properties",
						"isCorrect": false

Any errors in your JSON schema will be reported to you directly on the UI.